Saturday, October 26, 2013

LUHAN IMAGINE (If you want to repost this just credit me, I work hard on this but then you're gonna claim it as yours)

Posted by Unknown at 8:14 PM

You were walking on the school grounds. Everyone was busy because the day after tomorow is your school's sports festival. You were on your way out of the school grounds and before taking the exit is you'll have to pass the soccer field.
You were wearing your ear piece trying to listen to music. People were going here and there. You participated with the School Government's decorating the stage and because you're done you decided to go home.
In a split second
You didnt know what happened you can feel pain on your back. When you lifted your head up you saw somebody's eyes beautiful eyes staring at yours.
Unknown Person: "Are you alright?"
Them you realized that you're on the ground and he's on top of you. Some students were watching the commotion.
You: "What does it look like?"
Unknown Person: "Mianhe." He got ofe his feet and help you out.
Unknown Person: "Luhan are you alrigh
Luhan: He beamed into that  other guy. "What do you think?" Then he looks back at me. "Good thing the ball didnt hit you or something."
You: "Yah thanks for that though my back hurts. And it's embarassing."
Luhan: Looks at you with a raised brow. "Embarassing?"
You: Dust off and race back at him. "No time to explain."
Then you started walking away and then you hear him say
Luhan: "Be careful next time."
You just didnt mind and put your far piece back.
When you reached him your Umma was arranging some flowering plants in the front lawn.
Umma: "How was school?"
You: "People nowadays are careless."
You didnt wait up for your Umma to say anything you just hurried into your room.
You: "Ouch! My back really hurts. I didnt need his help." You were talking in front of the mirror like a retard.
You stroll around the booths that sells food and collectibles. Some booths were horror and tarrot boths. But the most fun would be the marriage booth, they would kidnap random people and blindfold them.
But if the call did hit you would be very embarrssing somehow you felt lucky because you got literally close to him.
[Sports Festival]
Everyone was very busy and there were visitors from other schools. Your school is known to have ) a strong soccer team. You didnt watch the first game since you are busy but you wanted to.
You stroll around the booths that sells food and collectibles. Some booths were horror and tarrot boths. But the most fun would be the marriage booth, they would kidnap random people and blindfold them.
On your way back to the SGO Office you bumped on someone good thing you didnt fell or something.
You: "Mianhe."
"Its you."
You lifted your head and your eyes widened.
Luhan: "We always seem to find each other in any circumstances."
You: "This is just a coincidence so he you'll excuse me I'm in a hurry."
Luhan: "Where are you heading to? Would you mind if I walk you there?"
You: "If I'm taking of your time I can manage myself."
Luhan: "No its alright." He smiled that made you stunned at the moment. "I dont mind."
Because you dont want to say no you just didnt mind him while walking.
Luhan: "I didnt get your name by the way. What's your name?"
You: "_____"
Luhan: "Its nice to meet you ____. And I havent apologize the last time."
You: Pace a look at him. "No major harm done and I'm alright now."
It seems like you are still a little cold towards him.
Luhan: "Its nice to meet you ____. And I havent apologize the last time."
You: Pace a look at him. "No major harm done and I'm alright now."
It seems like you are still a little cold towards him.
Luhan: "Dumplings." He pointed out at the booth that you just pass by. "Let's get some." He took your wrist without warning and dragged towards the steaming dumplings.
You: "Do you really have to drag me along?"
Luhan: "Eating alone is lonely." He handed money to the girl in charge of the booth and handed some to you. "Be careful its still hot."
You: "Thanks."
Then you started walking slowly .
Luhan: "Did you got the chance to watch the preliminary rounds of the game?"
You: "No. I wanted to though but I got busy in helping doing some decorations on the stage."
Luhan makes a face which you find cute and you tried not to get stunned again.
You: "So how did the hand go?"
Luhan: "It was fun, we won."
You: Took a blow on the dumpling and took a bite. "Congratulations."
Luhan: "You should watch the next game this afternoon."
You: "Sure."
Luhan: "Cheer for me."  He smiled at your heart was racing.
You tried to look on the other direction because you dont want him to notice your blushing cheek and good thing you were in front of the SGO door already.
Luhan: "Cheer for us this afternoon okay?"
You: "I'm not quiete sure."
Luhan: "Just be there." He smiled and walks away.
Why would I be there? You turn around to watch him walk away.
"Who was that?"
You nearly jump.
You: "What are you doing there Yeon? You startled me." You were holding your chest and tried to calm yourself.
Yeon: "Just nothing I was waiting for you." She was peering her head on the door. "Are you two dating?"
You: "Every girl would wish for that. He just walked of here. Dont be malicious Yeon."
Yeon: Taps your shoulder. "Cheer for him."
You: Pushes the door aside so you could get in. "If we're not that busy this afternoon then I'll watch the game."
Yeon watches you as you walked inside the room.
Yeon: "Of course we have time to watch the game. We have a break. You're all work."
You: "Then I'll watch the game that simple." You throw a look at your friend who was smiling sarcastically. "What's with the face?"
Yeon: "He'll be happy to see you there you seem to be someone important to him."

You: "Then I'll watch the game that simple." You throw a look at your friend who was smiling sarcastically. "What's with the face?"
Yeon: "He'll be happy to see you there you seem to be someone important to him."
You: "Silly. I just met him..." Then you remembered that scenario. "Some time and we barely know each other. You and your silly thoughts."
You: "Silly. I just met him..." Then you remembered that scenario. "Some time and we barely know each other. You and your silly thoughts."
Yeon: "I've got a good feeling about this."
You just smiled and shake the thought off. But you were excited to watch the game and cheer for the team and you wondered why he wanted you to watch the game.
That afternoon Yeon couldn't accompany you to watch the game because she has to drop some materials need in decorating the stage she lets you go ahead.
People were already taking their seats on the bleachers. Some were already bringing banners to support the team they want to win. I was sitting on the bottom row because most of the seats are taken.
When the Emcee announce the set of players the crowd were already cheering and you heard Luhan's name.
When the players went to the field the girls were the loudest. Do they survive from the screaming because my eardrums cant =_=
You saw Luhan always smiling. He was running his eyes on everyone on the bleachers and those people standing on the sides. He caught you on where you are seated.
The smile on his face stretched up into his eyes. He waves both arms and screams your name. Some group of girls looks at you as if you got some dirt on your face.
You wish you could melt at the very moment or disappear magically. He seems happy but you're not since the girls sitting near you is making you uncomfortable.
The line up of the opposing team had been introduce. Luhan gives his serious face already. But good thing to see him smile before the game would start.
The game begins and I can never relate to this and I wonder what am I doing here. All I know is they were fighting for the ball and and have to hit it for the goal.
Luhan's team were wearing blue while the other team was red. The cheer gets more louder and the score board is 1-0 and Luhan exchanged a tap on the shoulder of his team mate.
He then looks at you and you were clapping your hands. You smiled at him and you didnt know why you did that. Maybe you get a little bit carried away to see their team scored.
Another series of taking the ball happened. It was about 20 minutes when the opposing team scored 1-1 is the score now. Everyone was sweaty and catching their breaths.
This is when the real hand starts. You cant help but cheer for the team you are supporting too. When he looks at you smiled and screamed "Hwaiting!"
He smiled at you and wipe off that twinking perspiration on his head. The game resumed and the crowd is thrilled when the blue team scored a goal.
If they can get another goal they will be the winner. You were staying on your seat because you're close to jumping up and down. Somehow you're enjoying and excited.
When Luhan got the ball you clasped your hands and prayed that he will get the goal and "GOAL!!!"
You joined the chorus of cheer and didnt care if you'll have a hoarse voice after.
The game ended and people were rushing to the exit. You stayed behind so you wont struggle in pushing people just to take the exit.
"Yah!" Somebody calls but you didnt even mind it but you turn around when that somebody calls your name.
You were shifting your head sideways to look for someone.
"Right here."
On the field Luhan was approaching you. There was a boarder between the two of you.
Luhan: "Are you waiting for someone? Or waiting for me?" His smile seems teasing.
You: "M-mweo? I-I just don't want to struggle in the exit."
Now you're stammering what he said makes you feel awkward.
Luhan: "Can you wait for me then? I'll just in change."
Unexpectedly you nodded.
When Luhan was gone you slapped yourself.
You: talking to yourself like a retard again. "What's wrong with myself?" And kick some dirt on your shoe and you almost trip off.
Luhan didnt take long. He was wearing his fresh varsity t-shirt and carrying his sports bag.
You stepped down and the boarder was still between the two of you.
It just separate the bleachers from the field. The two of you started to walk into the exit and the boarder in between.
You: "Why did you make of wait for you anyway?"
Luhan: "I wanted to eat dumplings again." He said happily and turn to you "And I want to say thank you."
You: Looks at him with questioning expression. "For what?"
Luhan: "For watching the game and cheering. And my goal is for you."
When you hear those words from him you almost trip off while walking. You two are walking now side by side and he was all smile.
You: "Why for me? What did I do?"
Luhan: "I'll answer you later let's just get dumplings." He took you by the wrist and started walking with a little pace now.
He's like a pregnant woman craving for dumplings. You cant keep up with his pace.
You: Pulls your wrist. "Slow down your horses Luhan-ssi."
Luhan stops and chuckled when. You were catching your breath when somebody turned off the lights.
You: "I cant see!"
Luhan: "____ where are you?" He was calling for your name.
Somebody were covering your eyes and you cant even manage taking something that's in your eyes at the moment. Then they were dragging you.
You can hear your heart beat in your own ears. You were so nervous and you can hear Luhan calling for your name. Someone's hand was on yours.
You: "Luhan?^
Luhan: "Is this you?"
You: "N-nae... Where are they taking us?"
Somebody were making noises and you cant think properly.
When the series of dragging stops you can feel Luhan holds your hand tightly.
Luhan: "Stay calm. Somebody wants to get a punch on the face. What are they doing?"
The blindfold was removed and the first face you saw was Luhan's. You two were still holding each other's hand.
"And friends we are gathered in this ceremony to unite _____ and Luhan in marriage."
Luhan and You: "What?!"
"And friends we are gathered in this ceremony to unite _____ and Luhan in marriage."
Luhan and You: "What?!"
"Luhan do you take ____to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love end to honor her and be faithful to her as long as you both live?"
Your eyes widened and the things happening now wont absorb in your mind.
Luhan: Smiled. "I do."
"Luhan do you take ____to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love end to honor her and be faithful to her as long as you both live?"
The things happened now is not really absorbing in your mind.
Luhan: Smiled at you. "I do."
You wanted to make a protest but there were people already cheering for the both of you. This is the booth that kidnap people.
"____ do you take Luhan to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to honor him and be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"
Luhan was waiting for your answer you dont what to say.
You: "I.. I do."
He smile and took a sigh. Two guys went to were you were standing bringing the rings. It's silver rings and wonder how much is its worth.
"These rings symbolize the indissolubility of marriage. Each is a circle unbroken, so there shall be on end to your mutual love, service and dedication."
You were going insane at the moment you thought you are imagining things.
Luhan: He took the ring and holds your left hand. "___, I give you this ring as a token and pledge of my constant faith and abiding love." He puts the ring on your ring finger and smiled.
Why is he all smile?
You: Took the ring and held his hand. "Luhan, I give you this ring as a token and pledge of my constant faith and abiding love."
"The groom may now kiss his bride..."
You back off. WHAT THE?
Luhan was also wide eyed. And the crowd was yelling "kiss"
Luhan bent down and his face is getting closer to yours.
You:(talking on your mind) Yes. I know I like this guy but kiss?!
You closed your eyes while your hands on your chest trying to keep yourself calm. Your heart were racing.
His lips touches your cheek and that was the moment you opened your eyes. Luhan was really smiling do you have a reason to be happy too when you feel like this is all a dream?!
You look into the crowd and saw Yeon she has a smile on her face and some girls were whispering at some corner. You thought that you were lucky but just but
There was a photographer who took photos of the two of you. Your arm was locked on his and you even signed a marriage contract. Whoa. This is really too much.
You: "I cant believe I got kidnap and and got married. This could not be real."
Luhan: "But this is real and now your my wife." You wanted to hit your head with something at the moment. "Now come on let's get dumplings."
This time he was really holding your hands. Everyone really did turn their heads like an owl. You would like to flip your hair but this coming way too fast that it might crash land =_=
You stopped walking.
Unknown Person: "Girlfriend?" He asked Luhan and looks at you as well.
Luhan: "We just got married." He shows off the ring.
Unknown Person: "Congratulations."
Luhan: "By the way honey this is my team mate the one who kicked the ball so hard that almost hit you Kris."
Kris: "That was you? Im really sorry about that." He bowed.
You: "Let's just forget about it, it was over and done."
Kris: "I'll get going then. You two make babies now." He showed a grin and a peace sign hands.
Luhan: "Just dont mind him."
You: "Why are we still holding hands?"
Luhan: "Because you're mine now. We just got married right?"
That was such fine melody to hear, hearing him say that 'you're mine' but you know the truth that everything was just a make believe.
You: "But that was all a pretend." You let go of his hand and you notice that his expression changes.
Luhan: "Okay let's just...go get dumplings."
You walk side by side and no one wants to say a word. When you reached the booth he paid for the dumplings and handed you some without any word.
You followed him at a nearby stone bench. He just sat there. And feel guilty like something has prickled your heart.
You: "Are you mad?" You manage to break the silence between the two of you.
Luhan: "No." He eats his dumplings silently and you didnt bother speaking up again.
You keep on taking a deep breath because this situation suffocates you because you've known him for his all smile that stuns you.
You keep on taking a deep breath because this situation suffocates you because you've known him for his all smile that stuns you.
You sighed and he looks at your way chewing his dumplings.
You: "Excuse me for a second." You put the dumplings down in the space between you.
You stood up and find a nearby tree and hits your head there.
You: "Im dreaming. Why am I not waking up just yet?"
Luhan: "Yah! What are you doing?"
He grabbed your arm and face you to him.
Luhan: "Why are you hitting your own head?" He touches your forehead. "You pabo girl." Then he tucked you for a hug.
You push him a gently to break the hug.
You: "Everyone is staring...this is embarrassing." You look up to him. "And Im pabo."
Luhan: smiles at you this time. "I think you are." He rubbed his hands together and pat it gently on your forehead. "Dont hurt yourself."
You: "Why are you so concern about of Luhan-ssi?"
Luhan: "Because Im your husband and you're my wife. We got married a little while ago. You and your short term memory." Pinch you nose.
You: "It was pretend." Your brows meet at the very end and you pout. "We are underage to get married."
Luhan: "The way I understand what you're trying to say is, we should make this official."
You were moving both hands as a sign of no.
You: "That's not what I mean."
Luhan: Chuckled and pulls you back to take a seat. "You're too serious."
You: "You viewed it in another way."
He smiled and continue eating his dumpling. He's really like a pregnant woman with the cravings of dumplings.

Luhan: "Then be my girlfriend."
You immediately turn to him and trying to put on a poker face. He didnt even blink while staring at you.
You: "Excuse me, I think I need to hit my head even more."
Luhan: "I'll consider that as a yes."
You: "You dont even know me. What are the things I like. If my umma wears army boots. If my appa is a criminal. If Im a psychopath. If I was once on a mental hospital."
Luhan: "What your mom wears army boots?" He laugh as he there's no tomorow. "You're funny but I dont think that your family is like that."
You: "You dont know me..." You look away.
Luhan: "Let's get to know each other." He smiles when you look at him. "How do we begin?"
You: "You really want to know me better?" He nodded. "But why?"
Luhan: "So we can be good friends and then if we'll date you know things about me."
You: Facepalm. "Oh My God. Are you really serious about these kind of matters? I mean we dont joke about love."
Luhan: "Certainly that's why we should really get to know each other."
You: "But how?"
Luhan: He fixed his gesture. "Tell me the things you like and dont like. About yourself and your family."
You: "Well, Im begining to like dumplings. I love sweet food  and Japanese. Im the only girl who hates lovesongs. I have an Oppa who's out of the country to work."
You: "I live with my parents my umma is working as a kindergarten teacher while Appa is working as a sales manager."
Luhan: "Good thing you like dumplings. Is it my turn now?" You nodded as an answer. "I like dumplings, moon cakes and eating and playing any type of sport but Im into soccer."
Luhan: "My mom is just a house wife who takes cares of us. My dad is working on a music company. I like music too. Maybe I got this from dad."
Luhan: "My mom doesnt wear army boots and my dad is not is not a criminal and Im not a psychopath I haven't been to a mental hospital."
Luhan: "My mom doesnt wear army boots and my dad is not is not a criminal and Im not a psychopath I haven't been to a mental hospital."
You: "I haven't either it was just a figure of speech I tried to use. My mom doesnt wear army boots. My dad is not a criminal."
He chuckled again as he looks at you.
Luhan: "We should get to know each other even more. So do you consider dating?"
You: "Wait what?"
Luhan: "Dating to get to know each other."
You: Pinch yourself. "Im dreaming."
Luhan: "You're not do you think this would happen in dreams?"
You just nodded because you dont know what to say or do.
Luhan: Clasped your face. "You're blushing."
You: "No Im not." You denied even if you feel it burning already.
Luhan: "Yes you are. Dont deny it."
You pout and didnt bother saying a thing. "Do you still have something to do, I'll walk you home."
You remembered your things in the SGO and maybe they need you there.
You: "I almost forgot."
Luhan: "Come on."
Luhan did accompany you and insisted in walking you home.
You opened the door and Yeon was grinning at you like the big bad wolf.
Yeon: "How was the honeymoon?"
Your eyes widened and Luhan follows you from behind and Yeon's eyes beamed at you. The President of the SGO Kyungsoo was there along with some members.
They were smiling. What did you miss here?
You: "Do I have a task Pres?"
Kyungsoo: "First aid is needed in the entrance and you can go home."
What's with them and exchanging grins? So you pick the first aid box and your bag and took the exit before they melt you.
Luhan got your bag and put it on his shoulder.
You: "I can manage my bag Luhan."
Luhan: "Its okay."
Luhan: "By the way are you free tomorow afternoon after the game? I've heard that there's a film that they are playing."
You: "Maybe Im not sure yet."
Luhan: "But you'll watch the game right?"
You: Smiled and nodded at him. "Somehow I enjoyed watching the game even if Im not a sports person."
You: "I screamed too much and my voice is getting hoarse."
Luhan: "You really came I was looking for you in the crowd. And thank you."
You: "You kept on saying thank you."
You already reached the booth in the entrance and handed the first aid kit.
Girl: "Kamsamhamnida." You bowed and bid her goodbye.
You: "It was nothing," you said when you turn back to him. "Good thing we had a break and I found a seat on the bottom row."
Luhan: "It was easy to find you there."
You: "Nae...but those girls were looking at me as if I had a something on my face when you wave at me. And I guess," you stops in walking. "I'll be getting death threats from time to time."
Luhan: "Waeyo?"
You: "I think your fans club would be mad because Im hanging out with you."
Luhan: "Fans club? dont have one."
You started walking again and you have to wait in the bus stop a couple of blocks from school.
You: "Are you sure you wanted to walk me home?"
Luhan nods as you two were sitting on that bench on the bus stop. There were girls again who were whispering and giving you eye rolls.
You: Whispers. "See...I told you that I'll get hate treatments."
Luhan: Looks at those girls who seems to yelp. "Girls please be nice to my wife please."
You pulled his arm gently and keeps your head low.
He was smiling which made those girls knees shake and feels like their heart flutters in air. Good thing the bus stops in front of you and you boarded right away while you dragging him.
He offered you to sit near the window.
You: "I told you so."
Luhan: "Dont mind them and I'd be there for you."
You: "Why do I have to sit near the window?"
Luhan: "So no one can sit beside you especially guys."
You laughed so he's now protective and that was cute.
Luhan: "What?"
You: "I find it cute. Would you be jealous then?"
Luhan: Thinks for a second. "Maybe but you might think I'm possessive or something."
Through-out the ride you were just laughing until you dragged him to get down when the bus stops.
Luhan: "I didnt know you have a tickle bone."
Luhan: "You would be an easy person to make happy."
You have to take a short walk to reach your house.
Luhan: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
You turned to him with a smile already on your face.
You: "Why?"
Luhan: "Because the chicken was afraid of Onew."
Onew of ShiNEE and then you bursted into laughter and you had tears on your eyes.
You: "My tummy hurts."
Luhan: "Easy in laughing."
You: points at him. "You and your baloney jokes. HAHAHAHAHA!"
You two laugh there like retards and the passers-by were wondering.
You: "Stop..."tried to settle the laughter.
Luhan: "And you are funny too."
You pulled his wrist and started walking again.
You stopped in front of the gate of your house.
You: "Thank you for walking me home and thank you for your baloney jokes."
Luhan: "I'll be off then." He smiled and waves his hand.
You: "Take care."
You were alone until 5:30 that's the time your umma would be home.
You: "Umma."
Umma: "How was the sports festival so far?" She removed her shoes.
You: "I made tea. Do you want to join me?"
She looks at you from head to foot from foot to head.
Umma: "I'll just change."
Usually you dont make tea, or go near any kitchen utensils but you know the basics. You prepared the tea and cookies in the veranda in the back yard and the scent of the full bloom roses were circling the space.
You took your seat in the round coffee table while waiting for your umma.
Umma: "This is peculiar." You hear the glass sliding door. "Are you in trouble?"
You: Smiles and pours tea on her cup. "No, I just wanted to share tea."
She took her seat and still looking hesitant and she seems investigating your expression.
Umma: "Did I just see you blush?"
You put your cup down.
You: "Umma," you whined.
Umma: "Now I'm convince. My baby girl is in-love?"
You: "Do you think I'm in-love Umma?" She just shrugged her shoulder. "And Im not blushing."
Umma: "Yes you are so," she leans closer. "So who is the guy?"
You were doubtful to tell her she might tease you or get mad but no secrets wouldnt be revealed.
You: "We got married."
She shifted her eyes on you like two spotlights and you showed your left hand. She almost choke on the tea.
Umma: Stood up from her seat. "Without me and your Appa's permission?!"
Umma: "And you didnt even give us a hint that you wanted to get married! And you're underage how did you do that?!"
You: "Take a seat first and I tell you everything." She sat back down. "After his match in soccer we got kidnapped."
She stood back up again.
Umma: "What?!"
You: "Umma will you let me finish first before you go kaboom?" She sat down again. "It was a make believe wedding." You twitched your lips. "He asked me out to..."
Your mother screamed like a girl who just fell in-love.
You: "Ssshhh!"
Umma: "You're not a baby anymore. Introduce him to us."
You: "Soon...and I thought you'll get mad. We're getting to know each other."
Umma: "That's right before you plunge into a relationship and why would I get mad?"
You: "I just thought."
Umma: "Can you describe him to me?"
You stood up to get something. You had a photo together on your weeding.
You handed the photo to your Umma and she squeled again.
You: "Umma will you keep it down. You're scaring the neighbors."
Umma: "You look perfect together and what a handsome young man. What's his name?"
You: "Luhan."
Umma: "Im excited to meet this young man. Invite him for dinner next time."
You: "You're stunned by him too Umma?" She nodded as an answer and put the photo down.
[At dinner]
Umma: "Honey did you know that our daughter just got married this afternoon to this fine young man."
Appa: "Dont joke like that honey, how could our baby get married when she's underage."
Umma: "____ show the ring." That was an order.
You raised your left hand and showed the ring to your Appa and smiled. He almost flips the table.
Umma: "He was a fine young man."
Umma: "Honey it was a pretend weeding in their sports festival."
Your Appa took a seat back and relaxed.
Appa: "Why didnt you say that earlier."
Umma: "Our princess is now a lady."
Appa: "Were gonna lose our baby girl. She's finally grown up."
Your parents are having a moment.
Umma: "She was that little girl only yesterday running around the house naked."
You: "Umma that is embarrassing."
Appa: "That little girl who Appa would use to carry on his shoulder."
You: "Umma, Appa what are you saying? Im still your daughter and I'm not going anywhere."
Umma: "She's gonna have a boyfriend, and get engage and get married and have own kids."
You stand up and gives your parents hug.
You: "Umma, Appa that's not happening now."
After dinner your parents were watching your home videos and you joined them. Your Umma was sobbing she's the best actress when it comes to crying and stuff.
Appa: "I'll drive you to school."
He is still being sweet to you and the good atmosphere is making your day complete.
When you reached to school you give your Appa a kiss on the cheek before going out of the car.
Appa: "Thank you Appa. Drive safely."
There are lots of people swarming the school just to watch the games. In the SGO office the President came in early.
You: "Annyeonghaeseyo President."
Kyungsoo: "Annyeong ___." He was fixing some mess.
You: "I'll help you with that Pres."
The President dislikes mess and disarrange things.
Before you two finish up cleaning some members came in.
Yeon: "How was the honeymoon."
You: "Dont start with that."
Kyuhyun(Vice-Pres): "____ tell us."
You: "Nothing happened." Tried to smile their alligations.
Sulli(Tres): "You're lucky to hang out with that kind of guy."
You: "I dont consider myself lucky Sulli-ah if you only saw those girls who stares at me through their x-ray vision eyes. And his fans club might skin me alive and feed me to canibals."
Yeon: "They're jealous of you. Just flip your hair to them." She flips her hair indeed.
Everyone teases you and you really cant hide the blush on your face."
You just made yourself busy with the things to be checked and delivered. The game will start in 8:30 and good thing you accomplish your task before the time.
Yeon comes along with you and you were seated on the bottom row, good thing you arrive on time.
"Luhan Oppa!"
The girls screamed that made Yeon turned to them with a raised brow.
Luhan finds you again and he smiled at you.
Yeon: "These girls screams as if he smiled at them. He smiled at you."
You: "Just dont mind them or we'll be in trouble."
The game started after 20 minutes warm up and Yeon handed something to you.
You: "What's this for?"
Yeon: "Show support to your husband. Scream louder than these girls."
A heart cut-out with "HWAITING" in it. You were doubting on your seat to raise it up until the opponent scored first.
You: "That's just first goal. Go Team!"
Yeon: "Raise this so he'll be inspired."
But still you didnt.
The cheers were louder and the game was intense.
And another goal was made by the opponents. Luhan was getting stress out. He looks at your way with weary eyes already.
You lifted the cut-out and smiled.
His lips curls up for a smile and you feel relieve.
Another running and kicking of the ball and Luhan almost made a goal but the goalee manages to block the ball.

He was sweating but you keep on cheering for the team. And the first goal was from Kris.
You and Yeon joined the crowd as they got up on their feet when Kris made the goal. They can win this.
Luhan gives Kris a high five and it seems that the two of them were planning for the next goal.
Yeon: "This game is burning intense."
Whenever Luhan gets the ball he passes it to Kris and Kris never fails to make a goal. The score now is 2-2 and it was a good round.
You: "My throat hurts."
Yeon: "It'll be worth it if they can get another goal."
Running back and forth and diving on the grass  if you had the chance.
This is the do or die round. Luhan attempts 2 times to get a goal but failed. Every now and then he would take a glance at you and you would give him an encouraging smile.
And the field was filled with cheers that echoes. Luhan made a goal and they are the champions.
You and Yeon jumps with joy while raising your banners and joining the cheers of truimph. The trophy was handed to the coach as the team celebrates.
Luhan heads to where you are the boarder is keeping you apart.
You: "Congratulations."
Luhan heads to where you are the boarder is keeping you apart.
You: "Congratulations."
Kris catches up from behind and handed some piece of paper to Luhan. What could that be? Kris smiled at you which made you uneasy all of a sudden.
Luhan raised the piece of paper up and says: "_____ be mine."
Yeon pushes you as she screams.
He was smiling there waiting for your answer. You are the envy numero uno to all the girls who sees this now.
Some girls were hissing too and some screams as if the question was for them.
You nodded slyly and smiles as you keep your head down.
You covered your hands on your face because you're tomato red at the moment.
"Be careful its still hot."
"Im not craving for these like you did."
"You said you started to like dumplings."
You: "Yes but Im not that mad hungry for it."
Luhan: "You have something..."
He touched the corner of your lips and *chuuu* He kisses your check and you immediately covers your face.
You: "Stop. You're making me blush."
Luhan: "You look cute when you blush." Stares at you the moment you uncovered your face.
You: "Are you trying to melt me by your stares?"
Luhan: Shook his head. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
You: Points at him. "Dont get start your baloney jokes."
Luhan: "Just ask why, its different this time."
You: "Why?"
Luhan: "The chicken didnt make it because he got hit by a car."
You: "Poor chicken and Onew."
Luhan: "Ahw, you didnt laugh."
You: "I pity the chicken." You make a face that made him chuckle.He was sweating but you keep on cheering for the team. And the first goal was from Kris.
You and Yeon joined the crowd as they got up on their feet when Kris made the goal. They can win this.
Luhan gives Kris a high five and it seems that the two of them were planning for the next goal.
Yeon: "This game is burning intense."
Whenever Luhan gets the ball he passes it to Kris and Kris never fails to make a goal. The score now is 2-2 and it was a good round.
You: "My throat hurts."
Yeon: "It'll be worth it if they can get another goal."
Running back and forth and diving on the grass  if you had the chance.
This is the do or die round. Luhan attempts 2 times to get a goal but failed. Every now and then he would take a glance at you and you would give him an encouraging smile.
And the field was filled with cheers that echoes. Luhan made a goal and they are the champions.
You and Yeon jumps with joy while raising your banners and joining the cheers of truimph. The trophy was handed to the coach as the team celebrates.
Luhan heads to where you are the boarder is keeping you apart.
You: "Congratulations."
Luhan heads to where you are the boarder is keeping you apart.
You: "Congratulations."
Kris catches up from behind and handed some piece of paper to Luhan. What could that be? Kris smiled at you which made you uneasy all of a sudden.
Luhan raised the piece of paper up and says: "_____ be mine."
Yeon pushes you as she screams.
He was smiling there waiting for your answer. You are the envy numero uno to all the girls who sees this now.
Some girls were hissing too and some screams as if the question was for them.
You nodded slyly and smiles as you keep your head down.
You covered your hands on your face because you're tomato red at the moment.
"Be careful its still hot."
"Im not craving for these like you did."
"You said you started to like dumplings."
You: "Yes but Im not that mad hungry for it."
Luhan: "You have something..."
He touched the corner of your lips and *chuuu* He kisses your check and you immediately covers your face.
You: "Stop. You're making me blush."
Luhan: "You look cute when you blush." Stares at you the moment you uncovered your face.
You: "Are you trying to melt me by your stares?"
Luhan: Shook his head. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
You: Points at him. "Dont get start your baloney jokes."
Luhan: "Just ask why, its different this time."
You: "Why?"
Luhan: "The chicken didnt make it because he got hit by a car."
You: "Poor chicken and Onew."
Luhan: "Ahw, you didnt laugh."
You: "I pity the chicken." You make a face that made him chuckle.


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